Mt Hood

hood river orchard elopement


Once imagined to be a bigger celebration with friends and family, these two kept the date, kept it simple, added pizza, and a smaller group. Married at The Orchard, pizza at Mt View Orchards, with florals by the always amazing Lucy’s. And always, ever always, the eternal guest, Mt Hood.

For smaller weddings or elopements, check out some of my advice here!

Check out other weddings in the Hood River Orchard valley, here, here and here.

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mt view orchards hood river wedding

This wedding was pure adventure. Held at Mt View Orchards, we dodged threatening rain storms, a pack of dogs, tall ladders, electric fences, intense soccer matches, a jug band, Salt And Straw and Boda’s Kitchen (ok, those weren’t dangerous), and avoided being gored by a bull. Such a great celebration of these two beautiful women who are all about adventure, mountains (rain or shine), and their family and friends.